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Monday, October 8, 2012

Gardening: Raising Midnight Reapers

Saturday night my kids were staying up late and we caught the weather on the 10 o'clock news.  When they gave the hard frost warning for our area, I informed the kids they could stay up a bit later, but they'd have to change their attire.  We bundled up in coats and hats, and each grabbed a bag and a flashlight.  Out to the garden we traipsed to harvest any tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers we could find.  Here is a bit of our tomato haul. 

Did the kids learn any swell gardening techniques?  Nah, but they made a fun memory of sneaking out late at night to reap any delicious bits of color to be found in our late autumn garden.  If nothing else, they'll remember that their mother valued fresh produce.  And who knows but that they'll get a lesson in cooking fried green tomatoes this week!

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