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Monday, October 22, 2012

Gardening: Happy Harvest

Harvest time was always a two-edged sword for me as a kid.  On the one hand, it was exciting to see just what Mother Nature was going to pay us for all our summer's toil, but the harvest also meant more work in the garden.  Now I realize that participating in the harvest is probably what ignited the spark of gardening passion that keeps me repeating the gardening cycle with my own family.

Snipping grapes with kitchen shears is a task perfect for smaller hands.
Picking up the potatoes while I man the shovel is like watching a weird, time-warp movie of my childhood.

The dog loves harvest time - canine salad bar!

There is something so satisfyingly beautiful about carrots with their tops still on.
Wrenching the tops off of the carrots is one of the more appealing tasks for my boy.

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