Cleaning / Laundry / Cooking & Baking / Canning / Gardening / Entertaining / Mending / Sewing / Gracious Civility / Organizing / Handwork / Beekeeping

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why Teach 12?

Being raised by a stay-at-home Mom who took her job very seriously and professionally, I assumed for years that everyone was taught certain skills in their homes as well. Now as a mother myself, I understand that it is not a natural or easy thing to make sure your children acquire domestic skills. I also realize that if I don't teach them, no one else will. As a result, another generation will grow up less capable than the preceding generation. 

Our toddlers know how to beat every level of Angry Birds, but do they know how to fold and put away laundry? Our teenagers can text up a storm blindfolded, but can they grow and prepare their own food? Homemaking doesn't magically distill upon us or our children in the way the 15 second montages depict on TV. But judging from my Mom's efforts, I'd say all the time, sweat and tears pay off. And honestly – the process itself is one great adventure, with lots of fun to be had along the way.

My Top 12 Domestic Arts Categories:
  • Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Cooking/Meal Planning
  • Baking/Cake Decorating
  • Canning/Food Preservation
  • Gardening
  • Entertaining/Party Planning
  • Mending
  • Sewing
  • Gracious Civility
  • Organizing
  • Handwork (knit, crochet, embroidery)

Posts in each category will explain at what age I recommend teaching which skills, and how to help  children become more proficient as they grow and mature.  You may not end up with a home full of Betty Crockers or Martha-wanna-be's, but you will end up with capable, and skilled young adults that you can confidently unleash on the world.


  1. As someone who was not taught the domestic arts in the home and have been scraping by for years, I will follow along. :)

  2. Malisa - you're funny. Scraping is hardly apt. You amaze and teach me constantly!
