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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Keep driving: a hijacked-life analogy

green mountains

I used to think that adversity and trials and challenges were bumps in the road of life.  I'm starting to learn that our unique challenges and trials aren't the bumps in the road -- they are the road.  I feel very blessed to know that an all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful God designed a plan that was custom fit for each one of his children on this earth.  The thing is -- we don't all fit on the same road.  In some ways, it all feels like we are starting out on the same road as those around us.  As little kids most of us have a very similar world - school, play, etc.  But as time passes this changes - some earlier than others.

Frontage road betrayal

What used to feel like driving on a multi-lane highway veers off as a frontage road.  Wait a second.  You can still look and see the nice, straight 75 mph highway and that was the plan, or I should say - your plan.  Nope.  God put you on a frontage road that now seems to turning off into totally new territory - not even going the direction you wanted, but up a curvy mountain road.  The speed limit is slow and at some points the road is a treacherous gravel track.  And dang it if you can't see those happy, cruise-controlled vehicles speeding along that lovely straight highway. . . Ouch.  You feel betrayed, and hijacked, and at times like you've failed to stay on what you considered your life's road/mission.  I have two words: keep driving.

Other drivers

Once in a while you might meet a couple other drivers in your off-the-highway route, and if you look closely, you might even recognize a few of them.  A neighbor, a leader, a family member, or even a stranger also seems to be on this alternate route and as you meet or pass on the road, there's a knowing smile or nod, or an understanding roll-of-the-eyes at the condition of this road.  Keep driving.

Divine Navigation

You still catch glimpses of the seemingly smooth road of others as they share their successes on life's traditional track.  Ouch.  Keep driving.  You start to realize that you must rely more and more heavily on the navigation system since this is all new territory and you now feel completely lost.  Keep driving.  The Savior Jesus Christ is the only true navigation system and regardless of what track you are on - be it highway or backroad - He will continue to guide you if you keep driving and keep listening.


Occasionally you eventually start to accept the fact that the highway is not on your road-map.  And then you start seeing some interesting things.  Scenery, views, wildlife are occasionally spotted as you plod along this hijacked road and you are able to see things at 25 miles an hour that you would never see at 75 mph.  The road is still hard, slow, and the destination isn't even close to being within sight, but you still keep driving.


Eventually, you find yourself on top of a mountain in the most beautiful place you can imagine.  You are able to look down and see that highway below - some speeding along, others stopped in traffic - but knowing that eventually they will have to climb to where you are - where God wants them to be - in order to have the joy and peace from this view.  You will be so familiar with the voice of your divine Navigator that following Him becomes your goal.  Your driving skills have become very diverse and others have been comforted seeing you on this hijacked road when it is their turn to take a similar track.  Your determination to keep driving inspires them to keep driving.  And there is something satisfying in knowing that your desire to follow your Navigation system and keep driving didn't just bring you to a wonderful destination, but helped others arrive as well.  You may never know those other drivers, but your example was a tangible line of hope to them.
So, for those who feel like their life has been a bit hijacked from their original plan, keep driving.  We can never hijack God.  His Son - our Divine Navigator - has a route for each one of us - regardless of where we are, where we turn or fail to turn.  Through his atonement, he can always reroute us.  The key is to keep driving.

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