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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Entertaining: Our Backyard Cafe

My son made this "5 star"sign for his sister's cafe.

Well, another summer is here and another Emma Cafe is over.  I think it took about 10 - 12 hours of cooking with my daughter.  There were another few hours spent in shopping and set-up.  Hopefully this all gives my kids a look at what goes into hosting an event.  They may not be able to plan it and pull it off on their own, but they do know that it is possible and that it does require a bit of advance planning and preparation.  We served 27 people and ended up with a hamper full of food to donate to the food bank.  We call that a success! As for the leftover food - the freezer is full and my daughter doesn't have to cook for the rest of the month! Hopefully a few lessons were learned  not only about hard work, but also about serving others.  I always take them with me to drop the donations off at the food bank and we talk a lot about gratitude and sharing our blessings with others.  Whether or not it all sinks in, I don't know, but regardless, it's my job to teach these lessons to my kiddos.
Menus and order forms for the wait staff
The kids do most of the production

Wait staff and chef ready to serve

Generally no table cloths, but at least fresh flowers arranged by the kids

The chef getting ready to plate up the orders

I have the chef help layout the food including garnishes so we have a smooth food service flow

"May I take your order?"

Payment received by the cafe was a hamper full of donations for the food bank.  I have the kids come with me to drop off the donations.  Any tips are split amongst the wait staff.

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