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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cooking: My Dietitian Soap-Box Speech

It has been reported (Huffington Post 09/09/11) that almost 1/3 of Americans don't know how to cook. Also, a survey from over a decade ago reported that over half of American knew less than their parents about cooking. In the intervening years, I'm afraid that that number may not have made a drastic turnaround. This is ridiculous!!! If you can read, you can cook. And even if you can't read, you can still learn intuitive (recipe-free) cooking. No wonder America's 'biggest' health problems stem back to obesity. Teach your kiddos to cook and save not only your health and theirs, but that of an entire generation.  *steps down from soap-box*

5 things to teach your kids how to cook & why:

  • Creative or fun salads - Few of us get enough fruits or veggies
  • Kid-friendly foods - They need alternatives to nutrient-poor, pre-packaged foods
  • Whole grain dishes- 3-5 servings or more per day is the recommendation but probably not the reality.
  • Slow-cooker meals -  If you don't have time to cook after work, will they?
  • Bread  - Pizza, rolls, cinnamon twists, plain old comforting warm slices . . . need I say more about the versatility of a reliable bread dough recipe? 
So instead of pinning all those recipes to my virtual board, I'd best be making them with my actual children!


  1. Amen sista! I really don't enjoy cooking - I wish I did. My 10 year old loves to cook though so we have been trying to fan his creative flame. He makes pancakes, omelets, a killer chocolate chip cookie and anything else we'll let him attempt.

    This summer my plan is to incorporate them more into helping prepare dinner. My mom always had us helping with dinner prep and those are great memories.

    1. Gretchen - I wish more parents were like you, deliberately teaching your kids to cook even though it may not be your favorite thing. Rock on!

  2. Hi Trish, I so agree with you. All my kids, who are now adults, know how to cook a few basic things. My daughter Diane really loves to cook. I hope she got that from me. When they were little, I pulled up a chair to the counter and had them help me. I have sweet memories of Robert pouring water into the brownie batter when I went to answer the phone. Ryan loves to bake and is always asked to bring his gooy pumpkin dessert to Thanksgiving. Diane loved to help me make biscuits from scratch.

    I don't think people realize how important it is to cook at home and to teach their children. Cooking seems to be a dying art. It is vital that people learn to cook.

    1. So true Elizabeth. The term "dying art" is right - as the art of cooking disappears, more people end up dying from nutrition-related disease. As always you are a voice of wisdom!
