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Monday, May 19, 2014

Beekeeping Week 5: Our 4th Hive Check

Ok, so I don't have many still photos.  Lots of burr comb which we scraped off and let sit for a day to let the bees clean anything out they wanted.  We then put it in a ziploc bag in the freezer to kill off any of the ants that were attracted to it.  I'll melt it down later on in a dedicated crockpot.   We did spot the Bluebell queen for the first time, but queen Buttercup was hiding.  New eggs were evidence that she's still around and well though.  The bees weren't ready for another brood box yet, maybe next week.  It was fun to see the newly hatched bees - lighter in color and more "fur" around their eyes.
My husband spliced together a new video of this week's check (please excuse the few seconds of repeated clip - it was late at night).  Also, it is really hard to video this since I can either help or video, but not both very well.  So it ends up being amateur in the extreme.
Nonetheless - here it is: Brimhall bees video Checking hive "bluebell"

Burr comb and hatched brood

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